Champion of the Earth!

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21 Apr
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Champion of the Earth!

Sir David Attenborough has been named a Champion of the Earth by the UN's Environment Programme.

The prestigious award recognises the 95-year-old's commitment to telling stories about the natural world and climate change.

Accepting the award, Sir David said the world must take action now to protect nature and the planet.

Sir David said that environmental success stories should give us hope that change is possible.

"Fifty years ago, whales were on the very edge of extinction worldwide. Then people got together and now there are more whales in the sea than any living human being has ever seen," he suggested.

"We know what the problems are and we know how to solve them. All we lack is unified action."

UNEP Executive Director Inger Anderson said that the UN chose to recognise Sir David because of his devotion to broadcasting the natural world.

We say "you're our hero Sir David"


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