Julie Connell

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Julie Connell


My name is Julie Connell and I was born and bred in Cleethorpes. I worked until recently as a Primary School Administrative Officer, working only a five minute stroll from the beach. After more years than I care to share I decided to move my focus onto something I love. My love of the beach and the sea has been a constant throughout my life, from spending long summer days as a child eating sandy sandwiches and paddling, or watching the trawlers in the river waiting for the tide to turn knowing that my dad who was a deep-sea skipper would soon be home, up to today.

I love the bad weather days when the wind blows, watching the waves crash ashore and also the kinder days watching people enjoy the water paddle boarding or just strolling along. My two little dogs know when we are nearing the Fitties and start reacting in the car... they, too, love the beach.

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