Lisa Cutting

Home About Us Lisa Cutting

Lisa Cutting


My name is Lisa Cutting, also a local girl, however, my destiny took me away from my roots in pursuit of a career. With a yearning for the bright lights of the city, at the tender age of eighteen I moved to London to study fashion design and technology, a career that spanned almost twenty five years and took me to many wonderful places, although, usually working in a factory, the experiences I had were still wonderful. Then, 15 years ago, I wanted a change and a different pace of life. I moved back to the area close to loved ones, where I enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle which I share with partner and our most beautiful little Toy Poodle Nancy, who accompanies me almost everywhere.

I love to travel and have high expectations of where I stay, these standards are reflected in our own holiday properties. I too have an affinity for the Fitties, it’s a magical, unique place and I feel extremely lucky to be ‘caretaker’ to our little houses and to help protect them for many generations to come.

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